Akward Description:
It’s rainy here, lately… for quite many days. Sometimes, on the other hand, we are being spoiled by nature and are lucky enough to get a beautiful, sunny day – and those days in Vancouver make you feel like you’re living in the best city out there…
Today however it’s not one of those days, but I don’t complain. When you live in Vancouver you simply have to enjoy the rain, find things you love doing when there is no sun outside. For all the people working on the computers it may feel like a blessing, as we do not feel like we are losing a day, we can make something productive out of it. The free picture I’m giving today is to remind us of those beautiful days, and simply to show how gorgeous sunset are in this city. If you disagree… it’s ok, most probably you still haven’t had your coffee yet ;).
Taken by:
Luke Lawreszuk / Sprayedout.com
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.